Nine years ago…

An attempt to clear away what I thought were boxes of books in my front room has resulted in me finding even more files. One big component in all of them are lined notebooks that I’ve filled in a couple of pages in and then lost track of. I have a steadily growing pile of these. But in flipping through one today I found this page, which echoed uncannily both my earlire activity of looking at collage postcards I had made in highschool, and a second viewing of “How to Draw A Bunny”, the documentary on Ray Johnson’s work.


  1. You may just want to chec your image resolutio setting…that may be causing the size discordance.

    It’s gorgeous, and I actually love the scale, especially since you can almost discern the reverse writing through the paper…

  2. You may just want to chec your image resolutio setting…that may be causing the size discordance.

    It’s gorgeous, and I actually love the scale, especially since you can almost discern the reverse writing through the paper…

  3. hi there. I just friended you. In case you’re wondering the reason why, it’s 1) because my other LJ friends say good things about you, 2) I was bored at work and looking for something more to read, and 3) you put a date stamp on your pictured journal with one of those stamper things. On all the journals I start and then abandon I always use my date stamper thing. So based on that one thing alone, I am sure we have a lot in common.

  4. hi there. I just friended you. In case you’re wondering the reason why, it’s 1) because my other LJ friends say good things about you, 2) I was bored at work and looking for something more to read, and 3) you put a date stamp on your pictured journal with one of those stamper things. On all the journals I start and then abandon I always use my date stamper thing. So based on that one thing alone, I am sure we have a lot in common.

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