Pro: Gimme!
Con: No, it’s mine!
Pro: C’mon, share!
Con: No, I’m not done with it!
Pro: Please? That’s not fair!
Con: No, You’ll break it!
and so on…
Pro: Gimme!
Con: No, it’s mine!
Pro: C’mon, share!
Con: No, I’m not done with it!
Pro: Please? That’s not fair!
Con: No, You’ll break it!
and so on…
I’ve yet to see any commentary address this particular aspect of the announcement: it targets African American voters. As a bloc the community votes Democrat, but is known for social conservatism. Black church groups, or more specifically het male members of same, are very, very, very conservative on this issue.
you forgot…
Con: You’re a poopie-head!
Re: you forgot…
Nuh-uh, doody face!
Pro: Will not!
Con: Will to!
Pro: Will not!
Con: Will to times infinity!
Pro: Will not times infinity plus one!
Your all popy cocks
After reading the times today, something came to mind: This is about the debates – Bush phrased his announcement so that he can ask his opponent “Will you support an constitutional amendment to protect marriage?” and then look good when he says no. It also sets up a motivating scenario for voters – if you don’t re-elect me, this won’t get done.
I didn’t know that Kerry was one of the few Senators to vote against the defence of marriage act. It’s practically the only thing that I’ve heard about him that sparks my interest.
I’m not sure this will will work in the debates. Already, the White House is backing away from / prevaricating on Bush’s statement. I think this was a tactical error because it’s so blatantly divisive. Americans may be homophobic, but they are also fair. Most won’t want to mess with the Constitution to limit rights, expand the power of the Federal government. The Democrats can form decent arguments to undermine Bush on this front. The question is: will they?
It’s actually the ONLY thing about him that sparks my interest – that and trying to find out how to get my hands on the ketchup cash.
After reading the times today, something came to mind: This is about the debates – Bush phrased his announcement so that he can ask his opponent “Will you support an constitutional amendment to protect marriage?” and then look good when he says no. It also sets up a motivating scenario for voters – if you don’t re-elect me, this won’t get done.
I didn’t know that Kerry was one of the few Senators to vote against the defence of marriage act. It’s practically the only thing that I’ve heard about him that sparks my interest.
I quote Scott Thompson (kids in the hall) “I think it’s much hotter to live in sin”