There is one thing that being on lj hasn’t helped me with, and that is writing. I have a couple of writing projects hanging fire, and am about to take on a couple more. Somehow when I started this I imagined that the practice of writing here, would help me be less blocked in my other writing, but that has not been the case.
Is there only so much writing in me? The answer is of course no, but I haven’t been cultivating a writing practice these past couple of years. I’ve moaned about it here before, fretting about home computer placement, among other things.
(ugh whine whine whine)
There are times when this seems to truly turn into a journal, like the others I’ve kept. At their worst they become places where the furrows of my self reflection become ever deeper ruts, producing the moods they start out describing.
Last week I was all pictures, this week all fretting and rag chewing.
Wish I could be of assistance, but I find myself in a similar position right now. I have lots of ideas for screenplays and other writing projects, but little ability to implement them. Just to think, only three years ago at around this time, I bashed out a screenplay in two weeks’ time. And that was when I had a job! Now I’m out of work, have all the free time in the world, and can’t type a stroke.
I dunno, go ask. He’s been going great guns recently. He seems to have trouble finishing projects, but for sheer volume, he’s got me beat ten times over. Ask him his secret. Sometimes I’ve fantasized about getting into a battle to the death with him and eating his brain for strength. Then I realized that’s psychotic and I move on.
Besides, he’s cute and sweet. I don’t want to be without his sparkling wit and adorable furry face.
we still like ya if that helps
I also imagined when I started using a journal that it would work as writing practice, but I find I don’t exercise my brain much in here.
Hmm, that comment leaves me wide open for attack…
I can totally relate.
LJ actually helped me get a start on a writing project, but I’m actually several weeks overdue for another installment. I had this project in mind when I got started on here, but only got moving with it a short while ago… and it’s on hiatus again, but there are other factors.
Nah, I’d totally agree with you. After the third or fourth «acronym» posting, it quickly goes from cute but mindless to downright annoying. After the tenth, it becomes maddening even more rapidly.
I use to write so much and go to writing workshops. I haven’t been to a workshop, or worked on my three pending writing projects in months!
I started LJ as a place to just write. At the time, it didn’t matter what I wrote, just the fact that I was writing was good. I do a lot of highly technical writing at work, but it’s SO different than being creative.
I wish you luck, as I know I need it, to jump into your writing projects!
Have been doing the same for sure, Bub. What I started doing this past week — which has slowed my posting a LOT — is writing elsewhere, editing, and planning to cut and paste and post here later when finished.
This medium makes me feel rushed, offthecuff, and I hardly think things through enough. Just trying this method to see if I can break that cycle … .
And don’t think your loyal readers haven’t noticed.
I try to use Live Journal as a place to “try out” writing that I am doing across my practice. I think of it in terms of how Emerson used his journals — as a combination of reflection, ranting, and intellectual postulating. He felt fine cutting and pasting from his journal as he constructed lectures and essays and Iam trying to build a similar practice. In as much as I’ve come to understand it, it requires putting the journal in the center of my writing practice and allowing the “important” writing to come from it.
Two cheap cents from someone not as accomplished as you!
I’m curious about the whole workshop thing. Can you write some more about what they’re like, etc.?
i started my LJ for the same reason. i was writing all this other stuff for $ but nothing was feeling fun to me. i figured if i could write every weekday morning about my own shit in my own way then i’d have more fun doing the boring journalism stuff. it’s worked for me somehow.
I’m curious about the whole workshop thing. Can you write some more about what they’re like, etc.?
The workshops that I go to are located in New Hampshire. They are basically run by a large writing guild in NH. They do meet once a week (I use to attend these sessions), and then bi-monthly for all-day workshops (I try to attend these sessions). The workshops are run by two folks who have their MFA in poetry, etc. You can write about a topic they give you, or anything you want. Fiction, non-fiction, prose, essay, poetry, it’s all fair game. You write for a while, then read it out loud for positive reinforcement and dialogue. It is usually really fun and interesting. Sometimes I write some obscure poetry and scare everyone. I still remember reading my poem on fisting in front of little old ladies. They all loved it. Perhps they had no idea what I was talking about. I sure hope not. E-mail me privately if you’d like more information, contact info, etc.
Write hard and well 😉
Tell me about it
There is one thing that being on lj hasn’t helped me with, and that is writing.
Thanks to LJ, I am completely uncorked. Sadly, little of the writing seems to be going in the places it is obliged to go.
I’m glad to know it, but you haven’t commissioned me to do any writing lately!
Hmmm I dunno, I always find you to be sharp and to the point in your reflections and enthusiasms (as well as quite dashing in that new user pic). I’d say that brain gets plenty of exercise.
I think that would work if i didn’t also then feel the pull to make the journal “fun”. Fun for others to read and fun for myself. Like being an over active host.
haha. well, I guess I’m a bad host ’cause I tend to be a downer in my journal! LOL
One of the things that works in your journal is the journalism – you’ve figured out how to tell stories and do so (although I could do with more bum fights, dude) it gives you something to hang your insights on. My self, I feel that I’m drifting into endless opinion spouting…
Re: Tell me about it
When ever you need to be recorked, let me know. BTW what are you up to this weekend?
i promise to report on all bum fights that cross my path…
I’m not so sure that’s enough – couldn’t you instigate some?
Not at all – that’s my point – in getting hyper concious about pleasing folks, one actually makes it harder for them to have a good time.
i’ll round up some of my bum friends and see if my goading skills are up to the task
I’m glad to know it, but you haven’t commissioned me to do any writing lately!
Hmmm I dunno, I always find you to be sharp and to the point in your reflections and enthusiasms (as well as quite dashing in that new user pic). I’d say that brain gets plenty of exercise.
I think that would work if i didn’t also then feel the pull to make the journal “fun”. Fun for others to read and fun for myself. Like being an over active host.
One of the things that works in your journal is the journalism – you’ve figured out how to tell stories and do so (although I could do with more bum fights, dude) it gives you something to hang your insights on. My self, I feel that I’m drifting into endless opinion spouting…
Re: Tell me about it
When ever you need to be recorked, let me know. BTW what are you up to this weekend?
I’m not so sure that’s enough – couldn’t you instigate some?
Not at all – that’s my point – in getting hyper concious about pleasing folks, one actually makes it harder for them to have a good time.
eek! scary Nayland eyes!
At some point I have to go to Staten to pick up a tuition check (my mother won’t mail it), and I’ve a standing invite from Thor for Saturday afternoon (my acceptance of which will depend on parental availability).
Email or call tonight – I should have things somewhat sorted out by then.
Thanks for the truckload of compliments! Coming from you it’s meaningful.