…means a question from whiskerfish
What do you do when you get the blues? To lighten the burden? To cope ’til they pass? etc?
When I’m feeling my worst I tend to isolate: very little outside communication, which usually fuels my anxiety. It’s rare that I get severely depressed these days. I used to go for months in a kind of low level depression, but these days I’m much more likely to be worried or frightened than sad. It’s something that I attribute to therapy. My biggest problem is that I over committ myself in too many directions, and then start to regard all contact with a kind of dread, as if it’s an imposition that I am helpless against. Hence the isolation.
But you’re asking me what I do to stop feeling bad: I try to cook something, I go to a museum, I put on Joan Armitrading. Sometimes best way to deal with it is with a good cry. Generally when blue I stop being active, so any activity, any creation is a good antidote.
Questions anwered all month in March.
Sigh I relate to well to this, coping tho for me is to simply hide under the covers which isnt muc in the way of coping. Or i have to make something
Sigh I relate to well to this, coping tho for me is to simply hide under the covers which isnt muc in the way of coping. Or i have to make something