(all facts art related)
1. On Saturday my friend Zeena came to my studio, marking the first visit I’ve had there in years that wasn’t someone modeling for me or helping me move things. She helped me want to make more things.
2. On monday I went to the French embassy to see Richard Foreman honored for his contribution to the culture of France. He got a medal, and I got the idea that I could make a new installation by staging one of his notebooks.
3. Last night I went with waltzingtree to see The Downtown Show atThe Grey Gallery filled with art from the a crucial part of my life, that will never make it into MOMA, thank god.
4. Today I go to Rutgers to appear on a panel on “Photography and Utopia” with Joel Sternfeld, Deb Willis and Justine Kurland.
hint: I haven’t been posting which genereally means that I haven’t been reading because there’s just too much going moment to moment.
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