What was a small drawing show in a 120sq foot space next April became a modest sculpture show in a 400sq foot space next September, rested there for a week, and is now a full blown gallery show in a 1200sq ft space next February. In other words less than two months from now!
Allow me a quick yipes.
This means I need to design the installation, come up with a title and get to work with the designer on the announcement like, yesterday.
One more quick yipes, if you don’t mind. And a golly.
OK, I’m better.
So New York type pals, if you don’t see me for the next six weeks or so, that’s my excuse. If you do see me, feel free to scream “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? GET TO WORK!!!” at me.
La la, all is full of love.
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