Barn raising.

Many thanks for yesterday’s helpful software consultation. I downloaded the trial for dreamweaver last night, and am waiting for the hosting confirmation so with any luck we’ll soon be seeing something on Since y’all were so helpful yesterday, I have another question: what would you be interested in seeing on the site? I’ve got some ideas how I want it to function for me, but I’m curious as to what other people might look for.


  1. Re: I could teach you, but I’d have to charge…

    I don’t listen to radio, except for NPR, don’t watch MTV (not that they play videos anymore) so I have very particular ways of finding out about new music, and top hits especially. I had heard about milkshake so much i finally caved and bought the single at Virgin a couple of days ago. Of course, since it’s a song about you, I expect you to have known about it sooner

  2. well, your work, of course.

    with that domain name, you’re just asking for…..*ahem*…yeah.

    but whatever. i’d like to see your work the most.

    perhaps you could try venturing into creating art specifically for the web browser?

  3. Considering I have not, to my knowledge, seen any of your artwork, an “introduction” of sorts would probably be a good idea. You can’t assume that everyone visiting your site is already familiar with what you do.

  4. I’d love to see a retrospective of your work. More than that, I’d really like to know about your creative process. How do you think-through the work you make? Are there iterations that never make it to exhibition? Do you have documentation of work that’s failed?

    Of course, there have to be lots of dreamy pix of you.

    oh,wait, maybe I’m just describing the trajectory of my own site…. LOL

  5. as we completely hijack Nayland’s journal…

    This reminds me of as a child visiting my grandmother’s and great aunts’ house — Winifred, Alice, Ethel, and Gertrude, as widowed sisters they all lived together — where they would spend their days making various toilet paper covers, toaster cozies, potholders, and everything else imaginable that could be knitted, crocheted, or decorated with an embroidered rose. These were made to be sold at the “Women’s Auxiliary” (to what, I never did find out), where essentially they were sold to each other, for they came back with a variety of handmade objects just as hideous and useless as what they brought. And what I wouldn’t give to have one of them today.

  6. I would love to see a fabulous portrait of myself- SuperTan done by the fab and hunky Nayland. Then I would love to see more of my face and then more of myself.
    I also am calling for Gold to be the color of 2004, so if you could work some gold in, that would be great.

  7. … you must maintain your charm / same time maintain your halo …

    Jeff and I don’t have cable and don’t listen to the radio anymore. The only reason I know about that song is LiveJournal!

  8. my 2.5 cents

    I would love to see your artwork with descriptions of it at least. It was hard when I looked up some of your work on the internet to find any good overviews. Maybe some sort of bio/online portfolio of your work?

    That or really slutty glamour shots of you and a rhubarb pie.

  9. I guess I’ll add my thoughts… I would love to see some artwork, too. However, I know you’re not a one ride pony, so make it as expansive as you’d like. *wink*

  10. Re: I could teach you, but I’d have to charge…

    I don’t listen to radio, except for NPR, don’t watch MTV (not that they play videos anymore) so I have very particular ways of finding out about new music, and top hits especially. I had heard about milkshake so much i finally caved and bought the single at Virgin a couple of days ago. Of course, since it’s a song about you, I expect you to have known about it sooner

  11. I’ve really enjoyed ‘s personal site: as it literally takes a look at a part of his life, and allows you to dig in.

    I can agree with most everyone that I’d like to learn more about your work, and perhaps a smattering of frequently asked questions. Standard fare. I’m sure you might get more interesting questions than these:

    – How did you begin making art?
    – Your training?
    – Influences?
    – What is your studio space is like?
    – Behind the scenes of a piece/installation (from concept to execution)…
    – There’s always what’s on your bookshelf…
    – How does one capture that which is SuperTan?

    When it comes down to it though, I should turn the tables: What would you like to share (with the class)? This can go unanswered as I figure this is what you’re going to do.

    Mild Tangent: I have found my own personal site stagnate as I invest more energy into the journal. I use the website though, first and foremost, for hosting images and ancillary pages/ photo galleries of things I’ve been up to.

    It’s handy like that.

    What I don’t have is a nice marriage between the two, which gets to being able to categorize entries better and linking to them properly.

    I could start to couple photo albums with journal entries, favorites with reviews, etc.

    Funny thing, a friend once said that there’s just pictures of me on my site (I beg to differ) but when you go to a site that is your name, what would you expect other than information on the person? Since you have a bit of wit in the URL, that opens up the site as a different vehicle.

    One last bit of wisdom, as sites are often a way to get in touch with someone: Don’t put your email out there without mangling it somehow, or else robots will start sending you spam. Put your email in a graphic, add spaces around it, or use a contact form.

    If you’ve questions about Dreamweaver, templates or making production easier, holler.

    Oh, and more purple and a touch of gold couldn’t hurt.

  12. the techniques that freaks these boys


    By the way, I didn’t mean to imply you hadn’t heard about it earlier, just that you might have had some minor qualms about letting into your CD player. Darrin certainly groaned when I first put it on for him. I should bring you a copy of the whole album on Saturday, there’s a pretty classy public sex song on it too. Perfect for long rest stop waits.

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