Ok, having registered a domain name: nakedlybanal.com (thank you thor). And having half way secured hosting (thank you irishbeard). I’m ready to make another stab at setting up a website. So I’m wondering if anyone might have suggestions on appropriate WYSIWYG site building software. Please keep in mind I have no talent for writing code, and would like to get something up pretty rapidly, so the learning curve should be forgiving. I have a certain amount of experience with freehand and other design software so I’m not a total loss, but it’s probably best to imagine you’re sugesting something for your grandparent…if you can stop giggling long enough that is.
With your educator’s discount, either Macromedia’s Dreamweaver or Adobe’s GoLive will do more than you need, but anything you’d ever want.
They are visual. It’s really just a matter of setup and then you’re off and running.
There are likely other alternatives. Cheaper. Simpler. Heck, maybe even FREE. But these work for me, time and again, on either platform and I never have to look at that code stuff.
Well, Dreamweaver is pretty straightforward actually AND powerful. That’s what I use. I hear HomeSite is good too. Or you could just find a good web designer and make out with him. . .
Thanks for reminding me – I’m running windows XP home
Is that a hint?
It may be overkill but Macromedia offers fully functional (30 day?) demos if you want to try Dreamweaver. No need to write code and I like it’s integrated site management tools.
Well, if you’re that bad with web design, it’s more of a strong suggestion 😉 What’s gonna go on the site exactly? I love the name you picked out.
I’ve been hoping to catch you for the last 2 days. The free offer at 1and1.com is over at midnight tonight. What steps do you have left to complete? Will you be online later? I will most of the evening, save for an hour at 10pm. Hit me up!
I think Dreamweaver is an excellent web-design tool. I found the tutorials very helpful and was able to learn as I designed. You can dowload a trial version here.
Been running around for the last couple of days, thus little online presence. I think I’m mostly done with the process, but I need to consult with you. I should be home by 9:30 EST and I’ll look for you then. Thanks!
I’ve heard that coffeecup is good, although I’ve never seen it. Dreamweaver is excellent
Dreamweaver… I’ve used FrontPage, GoLive (good program), and some other program I’ve now forgotten. Dreamweaver is the best and educuational discount makes it affordable.
Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver, in case nobody else mentioned it. Yup. Dreamweaver.
I used GoLive to do my site.
If you’re familiar with Adobe’s nesting menus, it’s pretty easy to use– nearly drag n’ drop.
However, with all these endorsements for Dreamweaver, I just might hafta try it myself.
My tired site could use a facelift.
Lookin’ forward to yours!
Thanks for reminding me – I’m running windows XP home
Is that a hint?
Been running around for the last couple of days, thus little online presence. I think I’m mostly done with the process, but I need to consult with you. I should be home by 9:30 EST and I’ll look for you then. Thanks!
I understand the desire to avoid the messy details of HTML (et. al.) but it is useful to have some idea how it all works for the occasion when your WYSIWYG editor does something freaky.