I just want to go on the record about this…

My ultimate goal in life?

To end up as a crazy old coot.

49 thoughts on “I just want to go on the record about this…

  1. naylandblakeaticp

    I fear I am barely even a coot in training. My great uncle was a genuine crazy old coot: he lived on a houseboat, except that it was on blocks in the middle of a Miami Parking lot. He would drive cars until they died and then converted them to filing cabinets. He had no phone, so the only way to reach him was by calling the junkyard next door and asking them to go get him. He kept a written log of everything he did during the day for years, including writing down that he was writing in his log.

    It warms my heart to think that it might be hereditary.

  2. furr_a_bruin

    Well, I don’t *aspire* to being “that cranky-ass, crazy old biker with all the cats”, I just figure that’s where I’ll wind up.

    If I’m lucky, I’ll wind up with a nice big house that can be filled with lots of crazy old bikers and bears and all our cats. đŸ˜‰

  3. naylandblake

    I fear I am barely even a coot in training. My great uncle was a genuine crazy old coot: he lived on a houseboat, except that it was on blocks in the middle of a Miami Parking lot. He would drive cars until they died and then converted them to filing cabinets. He had no phone, so the only way to reach him was by calling the junkyard next door and asking them to go get him. He kept a written log of everything he did during the day for years, including writing down that he was writing in his log.

    It warms my heart to think that it might be hereditary.

  4. bikerbearmark

    A crazy old coot? Just as long as you keep on being yourself, Nayland – it wouldn’t be any fun if you lost yourself along the way.

    Heck, maybe I could even join you. What is it Kerouac used to say? “There’s your karma, ripe as peaches.”

  5. that_grr

    i once had a day dream that i was a 70 something year old nut living dressing my pet tarantulas up as a bride and a groom and taking them to Sears to have their portraits done

    and ya know what .. that sounds about right

  6. that_grr

    me guinea pig told me to do it * a real story behind that with me scaring teh Jehovas witnesses from my front door with my guinea pig named bealzebub*

    and damn if you dont have the user icons that inspire me to friskyness

  7. beardoc

    Have you seen the animated short film that won the Oscar this year? Harvie Krumpet – it’s an animated clay-mation production that showed a guy with hard luck doing just that.

    Details are at http://www.harviekrumpet.com/

    I could get you a copy if you like. It’s magic. I love it – and I think I’ve watched it upwards of about 30 times now showing it to people!

  8. beardoc

    Have you seen the animated short film that won the Oscar this year? Harvie Krumpet – it’s an animated clay-mation production that showed a guy with hard luck doing just that.

    Details are at http://www.harviekrumpet.com/

    I could get you a copy if you like. It’s magic. I love it – and I think I’ve watched it upwards of about 30 times now showing it to people!

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