A candy colored clown they call the sandman….

Last night’s dreams:

1) A long sequence of shopping at Target: chairs, varied household items of greater and lesser utility. The undercurrent that I was at a mall in the suburbs and would have to figure out how to get things home without driving skills.
2) In a car, speeding out of town, an attempt to drive into a vaiduct that is underconstruction becomes an energetic three-way in the front seat between myself, a some-what fussy hippy girl in her early twenties, and Willie Nelson.

Analysis welcomed.


  1. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” *

    Number one isn’t technically a dream, it’s a psychic premonition of an actual future event.

    Number two has promise — subterranean tunnels, sex, unclear plot line, a central trinity of characters open to pretty much any analysis you want to pick — especially Freudian. (Willie[!]).

    As potential Slow Wave material, however, it’s a little pedestrian. Perhaps you could include a talking animal, or some sort of stunning and/or ultra-mundane epiphany.

    * Walt Disney

  2. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” *

    Number one isn’t technically a dream, it’s a psychic premonition of an actual future event.

    Number two has promise — subterranean tunnels, sex, unclear plot line, a central trinity of characters open to pretty much any analysis you want to pick — especially Freudian. (Willie[!]).

    As potential Slow Wave material, however, it’s a little pedestrian. Perhaps you could include a talking animal, or some sort of stunning and/or ultra-mundane epiphany.

    * Walt Disney

  3. Just a suggestion…

    Leave out the part about dreaming, it make the stories a lot more compelling. Of course people might think you’re insane, but that’s one of the perks of being an artist.

  4. Just a suggestion…

    Leave out the part about dreaming, it make the stories a lot more compelling. Of course people might think you’re insane, but that’s one of the perks of being an artist.

  5. I think the viaduct is the most important part.

    You’re trying to build something new with all the various creative parts of yourself, but they’re not integrated and it’s nowhere near finished yet.

  6. I think the viaduct is the most important part.

    You’re trying to build something new with all the various creative parts of yourself, but they’re not integrated and it’s nowhere near finished yet.

  7. Lose the hippy girl–she’s just getting in the way. πŸ™‚

    maybe #1 is about not wanting to get caught out about feeling helpless–an architextural digest version of the “out in public naked” dream. the second definitely seems to be some sort of navigational metaphor. The fact that it ends in sex is just your libido edging in on the REM action.

  8. Lose the hippy girl–she’s just getting in the way. πŸ™‚

    maybe #1 is about not wanting to get caught out about feeling helpless–an architextural digest version of the “out in public naked” dream. the second definitely seems to be some sort of navigational metaphor. The fact that it ends in sex is just your libido edging in on the REM action.

  9. I don’t know if i can lose her – what about the theory that all characters in one’s dream represent oneself?

    I find it highly amusing that everyone is so blase about me and Willie

  10. I don’t know if i can lose her – what about the theory that all characters in one’s dream represent oneself?

    I find it highly amusing that everyone is so blase about me and Willie

  11. I don’t know if i can lose her – what about the theory that all characters in one’s dream represent oneself?

    I find it highly amusing that everyone is so blase about me and Willie

  12. I’m rather more worried about the fussy hippy girl.

    Though it’s not nearly so disturbing as the hot guy I was having sex with who turned into Roseanne.

    In my dream, of course! If that happened in real life, I would be typing this from a mental institution.

  13. I’m rather more worried about the fussy hippy girl.

    Though it’s not nearly so disturbing as the hot guy I was having sex with who turned into Roseanne.

    In my dream, of course! If that happened in real life, I would be typing this from a mental institution.

  14. my own distraction

    i’m awake now because of a dream that stirred me back into the night covered with sweat

    i hate that

    in this dream
    the house i grew up in was, instead, a real mansion
    and my father was dead…
    he had been performing some arcane rituals
    and deamons from the other side had come and shattered his body over the room in a bloody mess
    but that had happened years before
    and now Leo was living in the house as the surrogate father
    my mother and he slept together
    or? maybe they just Reigned together.

    the house was filled with people
    they were all asking me to do things for them
    — i was awake much too early
    and they’d call out for water
    or more blankets
    all from their beds..
    it was infinately late at night
    and they all wanted more cocktails

    i manouvered my way around the huge house until i felt i just had to hide from all the work
    and went to find Leo
    up on the trop floor in the master bedroom
    i could hear him in the hall below
    through the airduct
    talking to someone
    and was it about me?
    such slurrs, such horrible things..
    i couldn’t quite make it out
    when i went up there
    i noticed all my father’s Art was still around
    garish advertisements for goverment programs featuring chocolate bars and french fries
    suggesting re-collection and re-distrobution to the starving
    outlined in neon..
    i began taking them all down and trying to put them away somewhere
    shocked no one had done this yet
    when Leo arrived
    and we started talking
    — something about a pop star… my life as a pop star?
    he reminded me of what happened to my father
    and did i want that to happen to me?
    i couldn’t dissagree with why it happened to my father
    but i became paranoid when i saw the images of slashes and blood around the room
    and the look in Leo’s eyes..
    i woke sweaty and very uncomfortable and spent the next hour trying to feel GOOD and get back to sleep

    Failure: here i am

  15. my own distraction

    i’m awake now because of a dream that stirred me back into the night covered with sweat

    i hate that

    in this dream
    the house i grew up in was, instead, a real mansion
    and my father was dead…
    he had been performing some arcane rituals
    and deamons from the other side had come and shattered his body over the room in a bloody mess
    but that had happened years before
    and now Leo was living in the house as the surrogate father
    my mother and he slept together
    or? maybe they just Reigned together.

    the house was filled with people
    they were all asking me to do things for them
    — i was awake much too early
    and they’d call out for water
    or more blankets
    all from their beds..
    it was infinately late at night
    and they all wanted more cocktails

    i manouvered my way around the huge house until i felt i just had to hide from all the work
    and went to find Leo
    up on the trop floor in the master bedroom
    i could hear him in the hall below
    through the airduct
    talking to someone
    and was it about me?
    such slurrs, such horrible things..
    i couldn’t quite make it out
    when i went up there
    i noticed all my father’s Art was still around
    garish advertisements for goverment programs featuring chocolate bars and french fries
    suggesting re-collection and re-distrobution to the starving
    outlined in neon..
    i began taking them all down and trying to put them away somewhere
    shocked no one had done this yet
    when Leo arrived
    and we started talking
    — something about a pop star… my life as a pop star?
    he reminded me of what happened to my father
    and did i want that to happen to me?
    i couldn’t dissagree with why it happened to my father
    but i became paranoid when i saw the images of slashes and blood around the room
    and the look in Leo’s eyes..
    i woke sweaty and very uncomfortable and spent the next hour trying to feel GOOD and get back to sleep

    Failure: here i am

  16. my dream of Jeff

    but i originally meant to respond with the dream of Jeff
    coz i found it funny i was brought here by dreams
    to find a post about dreams
    a post from jeff’s lover?

    — this was a week ago or more
    i had been called from somewhere
    and came to visit Jeff
    but he was going by Michael in the dream
    (that was his name when we first emailed back and forth… the Internet name he was using)

    in the dream he was looking really good, sexy and strong
    but also scared
    === he had decided he had to get married again
    to a woman
    in fact, i think, to his x-wife (he had one once, didn’t he? or almost? in the dream…)
    it was very painful for him
    coz it changed so much of his life..

    i’ve forgotten so many of the details now
    i remember hs searing blue eyes and wild hair

    we were not physically intimate in the dream
    but very close
    he called me as the only person who’d understand
    though he’d already explained all of this to his lover
    he had decided it was time for him to Really be a dad
    and have some kids…

    i remember when i woke from it
    i wanted to call him or email him desperately and tell him it was OK
    hug him or something…
    but i let it slide
    i feel reticent about corresponding with him for some reason
    — he never showed up here
    where is he now?

  17. my dream of Jeff

    but i originally meant to respond with the dream of Jeff
    coz i found it funny i was brought here by dreams
    to find a post about dreams
    a post from jeff’s lover?

    — this was a week ago or more
    i had been called from somewhere
    and came to visit Jeff
    but he was going by Michael in the dream
    (that was his name when we first emailed back and forth… the Internet name he was using)

    in the dream he was looking really good, sexy and strong
    but also scared
    === he had decided he had to get married again
    to a woman
    in fact, i think, to his x-wife (he had one once, didn’t he? or almost? in the dream…)
    it was very painful for him
    coz it changed so much of his life..

    i’ve forgotten so many of the details now
    i remember hs searing blue eyes and wild hair

    we were not physically intimate in the dream
    but very close
    he called me as the only person who’d understand
    though he’d already explained all of this to his lover
    he had decided it was time for him to Really be a dad
    and have some kids…

    i remember when i woke from it
    i wanted to call him or email him desperately and tell him it was OK
    hug him or something…
    but i let it slide
    i feel reticent about corresponding with him for some reason
    — he never showed up here
    where is he now?

  18. and about you?

    perhaps you might do well to learn the lesson i learned growing up in the midwest:
    Avoid Target (and all swamps like it) at all costs
    it will only fill you up with burdensome things
    that keep you from what you need


    on the other
    isn’t the hippie chick just me?
    i’m glad you had the triad of the young girl and the old man
    especially the famous old man

    if they’re all you
    it totally makes sense
    your ripe-beautiful young self… so filled with potential
    and your well-worn flickering star self
    with you at the weel?
    you in power and control of what’s happening now
    between these two facets of your life
    deciding to bring the three back together
    to get to where you’re going
    — the only way, sometimes, to survive the dark tunnels of things
    is focusing all of your energy (that which is scattered through time)
    and becoming whole enough to get through to the other side

    which is what you’re wanting to do anyway

    [thanks for listening]

  19. and about you?

    perhaps you might do well to learn the lesson i learned growing up in the midwest:
    Avoid Target (and all swamps like it) at all costs
    it will only fill you up with burdensome things
    that keep you from what you need


    on the other
    isn’t the hippie chick just me?
    i’m glad you had the triad of the young girl and the old man
    especially the famous old man

    if they’re all you
    it totally makes sense
    your ripe-beautiful young self… so filled with potential
    and your well-worn flickering star self
    with you at the weel?
    you in power and control of what’s happening now
    between these two facets of your life
    deciding to bring the three back together
    to get to where you’re going
    — the only way, sometimes, to survive the dark tunnels of things
    is focusing all of your energy (that which is scattered through time)
    and becoming whole enough to get through to the other side

    which is what you’re wanting to do anyway

    [thanks for listening]

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